
Hey y'all

I deleted the last event and re-created a new one here, since the date (From Feb9 to now Feb 1) and venue changed to be at the Entrepenuer Collaborative Center in Ybor. So y'all can resubscribe to the event and it won't be confusing

Also there will be food too from Publix. Outline for talk:

6:00 - 6:30 pm: networking 6:30 - 7:00pm: intro slides + quickz game 7:00 - 7:30pm: lightning talks 7:30 - 9:00pm: main talk

Talk1: Mobile App Development and Digital Nomad Lifestyles

Andre will be giving an overview on mobile app develeopment, it's evolution, and life as a digital nomad. Outline of talk:

Speaker Bio: Andre is a once digital nomad settled in Tampa. He's worked for Pandora, Apple, and now runs his own coaching company TopHuman. He can do handstands and salsa dance too


Parking is at the Entrepnureship Collabarative Center in Ybor

If you can't find any parking there, there is residential area just east of the main road where you can find lots of street parking as well


We're always open to speakers and volunteer help as well! Hit us on our website or email us at


Vincent Tang

Vincent Tang

Occasional Dance Performer. Runs CodeChefs, a coding podcast for junior devs.

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